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  • 纽约大学医学院招收访问学者的条件
  • 发布时间:2017-08-25      作者:医刊汇     来源:网络
  • 纽约大学医学院生物化学与分子药理学系招收DNA修复研究访问学者,要求博士学历,擅长表观遗传学、基因组学、蛋白质分离和染色质生物学研究者优先。申请助理教授职位必须有研究项目并已经获得了研究资助,对学院研究生教学工作有帮助。需要申请者准备访问学者申请信 Cover letter,个人简历、个人研究成果简要说明、研究目标/研究计划、至少两篇主要的代表作品和三封推荐信等访问学者申请材料。

    Genome Integrity (Faculty Positions)

    The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at NYU School of Medicine

    The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at the NYU School of Medicine invites applications for tenure track positions in the areas of biochemical and translational studies related to DNA damage repair pathways and cell cycle control. We seek creative and ambitious applicants with exceptional records of achievement to join our department, which is comprised of an interdisciplinary faculty with expertise in epigenetics, genome integrity, protein degradation, and chromosome biology (https://med.nyu.edu/biomolpharm/frontpage). The candidate’s research interests should synergize with the highly collaborative environment within the Department and throughout the NYU research community. Preference will be given to individuals qualifying at the level of Assistant Professor, but candidates for appointments above the rank of Assistant Professor must have current extramural funding and evidence of active contribution to graduate training and medical education. Physician scientists are encouraged to apply.

    New faculty members will be supported with generous start-up packages, excellent laboratory space, access to laboratory animal facilities, and a wide range of state-of-the-art core facilities providing services in genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, cell imaging, flow cytometry, and pathology. Successful candidates are expected to initiate and maintain a vigorous, independent, extramurally-funded research program, participate in the NYU School of Medicine graduate programs within the Sackler Institute and be eligible for membership in NIH-supported training programs designed to support pre- and post-doctoral trainees.

    For consideration, please apply through Interfolio(http://apply.interfolio.com/43283) with: 1) Cover letter; 2) Curriculum Vitae; 3) Brief Description of Research Accomplishments; 4) Brief description of Research Objectives; 5) Up to two key recent publications; 6) Name and contact information for 3 references. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the search is closed on Jan 15, 2018.


    纽约大学(New York University, 简称 NYU) ,成立于 1831 年,是全美最大的私立大学之一;也是美国唯一一座坐落于纽约心脏地带的名校。所设课程压力不大,但要求甚高,学生称其 “not high pressure, but demanding” 。而31名诺贝尔奖得主更是使纽约大学光芒四射,享誉世界。
